➡ Click here: Who plays nebula in guardians of the galaxy 2
Pratt, Saldana, Bautista, Diesel, Cooper, Rooker, Gillan, and Sean Gunn all reprise their roles in the film, and are joined by as , as , as , and as Quill's father. Following the plan and the Guardians of the Galaxy getting away, Nebula recovers Ronan the Accuser's Universal Weapon that Drax the Destroyer threw at her ship.
After commenting on how poor of a liar Gamora was, Thanos started ruthlessly torturing Nebula again, until Gamora gave in and told Thanos the location of the Soul Stone:. Who plays nebula in guardians of the galaxy 2 Ronan began fighting with Drax, whose and had been killed by theNorth lead a squad of soldiers in fighters to chase Gamora across Knowhere, while fighting off and who defended their ally. Weitere Informationen und Einstellungen finden Sie im. That's the most interesting aspect to me, because jealousy can consume you and turn you bitter, and ugly. Regardless on Glad-Lord's choice revolving around Rocket Raccoon's trip to Halfworld, Star-Lord and Gamora fight Nebula and managed to subdue her. Gunn credited the marketing teams at Marvel and Disney for having faith in the latter version, despite how it tested, over choosing the version that would have mis-marketed the film. Met August 9, 2014. The film was directed bywho wrote the screenplay withand features an including, and as the titular Guardians, along with,, and. Eventually Nebula managed to gain the upper hand by disarming Gamora and then using her batons to electrocute Gamora, nearly killing her. Pratt signed a multi-film contract with Marvel, and was granted a temporary leave from his work on Parks and Recreation in order to accommodate his participation in the film.
Other actors who were considered for the role included 's , , , and was cast in the role in February 2013, as part of a multi-film deal that he signed with Marvel. The film remained in the top 10 for ten weekends. Retrieved January 19, 2015.
Will Nebula Return In Guardians Of The Galaxy 2? - Retrieved May 5, 2017.
Biography Raised in the service of the interplanetary warlord as his adopted daughter, Nebula trained to be a Galaxy-Class Killer. Nebula would often train along Thanos' other adopted daughter. One training scenario on the arboreal world of Dervani saw Nebula and Gamora pitched against each other in a competition to retrieve a data ingot for Ronan. The girls sparred on the surface, leading to Gamora throwing Nebula of a cliff, severely injuring her and requiring multiple cybernetic replacements. Upon reaching adulthood, Nebula was sent on a mission to locate for Thanos, on the planet Praxius IX, inside of one of the Cloud Tombs of Praxis, Nebula fell into a trap. Ensnared by an impenetrable Laser Thorn Energy Net, Nebula found herself at the mercy of the inhabitants and needed to be rescued by Gamora. Never one to tolerate failure, Thanos ordered Gamora to leave Nebula behind, with only a sharp blade to free herself. Nebula was forced to amputate her own arm in order to escape the netting. Thanos lends her services to to help him retrieve. When Korath returned to Ronan's ship, the Dark Aster, to report that the Orb is in the possession of a thief named Star-Lord and that he planned on selling the Orb on Xandar, Ronan volunteered Nebula to retrieve it. However, Gamora strongly insisted that she recover the Orb, stating that she knows Xandar better than Nebula. Though Nebula protested, Ronan agreed to send Gamora in her place. Nebula and Ronan are then summoned to Sanctuary, where Ronan lays out his grievances to Thanos, ending with killing the Other. Ronan and Nebula arrive at the Kyln, only to learn that Gamora and some others had already escaped with the Orb. As a Nova Corps fleet was arriving to defend the prison, Ronan ordered the prison massacred to hide their objectives. Ronan was eventually contacted by Drax the Destroyer that the Orb was on Knowhere. Nebula then pursued Gamora in an aerial battle. Before destroying her sister's craft, she remarked that of all her siblings, she hated her the least. Though the blast didn't incinerate Gamora, it left her and the Orb floating in space, the latter of which Nebula retrieved. Returning to the Dark Aster, where they got in contact with Thanos, Ronan discovered that the Orb contained an Infinity Stone and decided to betray the Mad Titan, planning on destroying Xandar himself and then kill Thanos. Nebula chose to side with him, stating that if he succeeds in killing her father, she will help him burn a thousand worlds. As the Dark Aster descended on Xandar, Nebula informed Ronan that a fleet of Ravagers were en route to intercept them. Nebula then ordered all fighters squadrons to deploy and attack. But even as the Nova Corps joined the battle, Ronan dismissed them as threat, stating that none of it would matter once he's won. Nebula then went to confront Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax and Groot. As she laid her disappointment in Gamora, she is interrupted by Drax, who blasts her with a cannon. Recovering, Nebula engaged Gamora in melee combat, but is ultimately overpowered by her sister and left hanging at the edge of a hull breach. Gamora offered to save her, stating that Ronan is insane. Labeling Gamora likewise, Nebula severs her left wrist and falls onto a passing Ravager ship which she commandeers and flees the planet. To be added To be added.