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The jackpot rolled over for 8 weeks straight in Spring 2011, leading to the record-breaking cash prize. Retrieved 3 January 2012.
The of Homer refers to lots being placed into Solo's helmet to determine who would fight Hector. Disclaimer: With every effort made to ensure the accuracy of the 4D results published on this website, we do not warrant its accuracy for several reasons including time delays incurred in completing necessary updates. Mark Six Lotto Rules The Mark Six Met utilizes a traditional single drum lottery system and offers a bonus ball, called an extra number. The lotteries proved very popular and were hailed as a painless form of. 4d king lotto Toto Malaysia Sdn Bhd is a company, which operates in the sector. In such a case, the gusto of a monetary loss could be outweighed by the combined expected utility of monetary and non-monetary gain, thus making the purchase a rational decision for that individual.
When people wanted to bet more frequently than twice a year, they began to substitute the candidates names with numbers and modern lotto was born, to which both modern legal lotteries and the illegal can trace their ancestry. The odds of winning can also be reduced by increasing the group from which numbers are drawn. Some scams on the Internet are based on lotteries.
You have reached your daily pageview limit - It is common to find some degree of regulation of lottery by governments; the most common regulation is prohibition of sale to minors, and vendors must be licensed to sell lottery tickets.
A lottery drawing being conducted at the television studio at Commission headquarters A lottery is a form of that involves the drawing of numbers for a prize. Lotteries are outlawed by some governments, while others endorse it to the extent of organizing a national or state lottery. It is common to find some degree of regulation of lottery by governments; the most common regulation is prohibition of sale to minors, and vendors must be licensed to sell lottery tickets. Though lotteries were common in the and some other countries during the 19th century, by the beginning of the 20th century, most forms of gambling, including lotteries and , were illegal in the U. This remained so until well after World War II. In the 1960s and lotteries began to re-appear throughout the world as a means for governments to raise revenue without raising taxes. Lotteries come in many formats. For example, the prize can be a fixed amount of cash or goods. In this format there is risk to the organizer if insufficient tickets are sold. More commonly the prize fund will be a fixed percentage of the receipts. The first recorded signs of a lottery are slips from the Chinese between 205 and 187 BC. These lotteries are believed to have helped to finance major government projects like the. The of Homer refers to lots being placed into Agamemnon's helmet to determine who would fight Hector. The first known European lotteries were held during the , mainly as an amusement at dinner parties. Each guest would receive a ticket, and prizes would often consist of fancy items such as dinnerware. Every ticket holder would be assured of winning something. This type of lottery, however, was no more than the distribution of gifts by wealthy noblemen during the Saturnalian revelries. The earliest records of a lottery offering tickets for sale is the lottery organized by Roman Emperor Caesar. The funds were for repairs in the City of Rome, and the winners were given prizes in the form of articles of unequal value. The first recorded lotteries to offer tickets for sale with prizes in the form of money were held in the in the 15th century. Various towns held public lotteries to raise money for town fortifications, and to help the poor. The town records of , , and indicate that lotteries may be even older. In the 17th century it was quite usual in the Netherlands to organize lotteries to collect money for the poor or in order to raise funds for all kinds of public usages. The lotteries proved very popular and were hailed as a painless form of. The Dutch state-owned Staatsloterij is the oldest running lottery. The first recorded Italian lottery was held on 9 January 1449 in organized by the to finance the war against the. However, it was in that Lotto became very popular. People used to bet on the name of Great Council members, who were drawn by chance, five out of ninety candidates every six months. This kind of gambling was called Lotto or Semenaiu. When people wanted to bet more frequently than twice a year, they began to substitute the candidates names with numbers and modern lotto was born, to which both modern legal lotteries and the illegal can trace their ancestry. France, 1539—1789 King discovered the lotteries during his campaigns in Italy and decided to organize such a lottery in his kingdom to help the state finances. The first French lottery, the Loterie Royale, was held in 1539 and was authorized with the edict of. This attempt was a fiasco, since the tickets were very costly and the social classes which could afford them opposed the project. During the two following centuries lotteries in France were forbidden or, in some cases, tolerated. England, 1566—1826 An 1809 lottery drawing at in London Although the English probably first experimented with raffles and similar games of chance, the first recorded official lottery was chartered by , in the year 1566, and was drawn in 1569. Each ticket holder won a prize, and the total value of the prizes equalled the money raised. Prizes were in the form of silver plate and other valuable commodities. The lottery was promoted by scrolls posted throughout the country showing sketches of the prizes. Thus, the lottery money received was an interest free loan to the government during the three years that the tickets 'without any Blankes' were sold. In later years, the government sold the lottery ticket rights to brokers, who in turn hired agents and runners to sell them. These brokers eventually became the modern day stockbrokers for various commercial ventures. Many private lotteries were held, including raising money for The Virginia Company of London to support its settlement in America at Jamestown. The English State Lottery ran from 1694 until 1826. Thus, the English lotteries ran for over 250 years, until the government, under constant pressure from the opposition in parliament, declared a final lottery in 1826. Early United States 1612—1900 An English lottery, authorized by in 1612, granted the the right to raise money to help establish settlers in the first permanent English colony at Jamestown, Virginia. Lotteries in colonial America played a significant part in the financing of both private and public ventures. It has been recorded that more than 200 lotteries were sanctioned between 1744 and 1776, and played a major role in financing roads, libraries, churches, colleges, canals, bridges, etc. In the 1740s, the foundation of Princeton and Columbia Universities was financed by lotteries, as was the University of Pennsylvania by the Academy Lottery in 1755. During the French and Indian Wars, several colonies used lotteries to help finance fortifications and their local militia. Washington was also a manager for Col. At the outset of the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress used lotteries to raise money to support the Colonial Army. Taxes had never been accepted as a way to raise public funding for projects, and this led to the popular belief that lotteries were a form of hidden tax. At the end of the Revolutionary War the various states had to resort to lotteries to raise funds for numerous public projects. German-speaking countries The first big lottery on German soil was held in 1614 in. In the first lottery was drawn in 1751, during the reign of Empress , and was named Lotto di Genova since it was based on 90 numbers. Spain, 1763 Spain offers a wealth of lottery games, the majority of which are operated by Loterías y Apuestas del Estado with the remaining lotteries operated by the ONCE and the Catalan government. The first Spanish lottery game was played back in 1763 and, over the last two centuries, playing the lottery in Spain has developed into a tradition. It is organized every year since 1812 by a branch of the Spanish Public Administration, now called Loterías y Apuestas del Estado. The name Sorteo de Navidad was used for the first time in 1892. The Spanish Christmas lottery is the second longest continuously running lottery in the world. This includes the years during the Spanish Civil War when the lottery draw was held in Valencia after the Republicans were forced to relocate their capital from Madrid. After the overthrow of the Republican government the lottery continued uninterrupted under the Franco regime. It was a private sweepstakes that was quickly prohibited, despite being moved to other areas such as Queensland and Victoria. In 1916, the Australian government started their own lottery, named the 'Golden Casket Art Union', with the intention of raising money for charities and projects. Its first draw is credited with raising funds for veterans of World War One. Canada Lotteries in Canada are administered by five regional organizations; the which serves , , the , the which serves and , excluding , and the. The five regional lotteries are members of a consortium known as the , which administrates national games, including the flagship and. The five lotteries offer draw games, scratch cards, and —the latter primarily under the brand. Mexico National Lottery building located in Mexico City The Mexican Lotería Nacional dates back to the late 18th century. The Lotería is also a member of the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. Spain As measured by the total prize payout, the is considered the biggest lottery worldwide. In 2012, if all of the tickets had been sold, the total amount payout of prizes would have been worth 2. Thailand A lottery was first held in then known as in 1874 during the reign of King Rama V , as part of an international fair organised for his birthday. A lottery was organised in 1917 by the British government with Thai consent to help finance Britain's war effort. Lotteries were held intermittently until 1933, when they became regularised under the finance department. The present is managed by The Government Lottery Office, a state enterprise managed by the. The drawings take place on the 1st and 16th of each month, with the top price now up to 32 million. Shrines of and , such as , are often propitiated in order to be lucky in the Thai lottery draw. United Kingdom Main article: The principal lottery in the United Kingdom is the , a state-franchised lottery sanctioned by the formerly the , and established in 1994. It is operated by the , which was first granted the franchise in 1994. Camelot's current franchise agreement runs through 2019. To comply with the Gambling Act, which forbids other parties from operating a national lottery, The Health Lottery operates as an umbrella corporation representing a group of 51 society lotteries across the United Kingdom with a common drawing and prize pool. Each drawing is held on behalf of one or more of the society lotteries, whose revenues go to support health-related causes in their respective area. The Health Lottery received criticism on launch for only pledging to donate 20. United States Main article: Lotteries are operated at the state level in the U. In January 2016, Powerball set a record for the largest lottery jackpot in U. The game's attractions to low income and working class bettors were the ability to bet small amounts of money, and that bookies could extend to the bettor. In addition, policy winners could avoid paying. Different policy banks would offer different rates, though a payoff of 600 to 1 was typical. Since the odds of winning were 1000:1, the expected profit for was enormous. The first modern government-run US lottery was established in in 1934, followed by in 1964. Malaysia Main article : Lottery industry start operated in Malaysia on early 1969 by. Sports Toto Malaysia Sdn Bhd is a company, which operates in the sector. Founded and incorporated by the in 1969, it was focused on the commercialisation of —based games. On 1 August 1985, the government in a non- , sold the company to businessman who merged it into his. Today, Sports Toto is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berjaya Sports Toto Berhad : 1562 , which is listed on the main market of. It claims to be the largest operator in Malaysia of 4D-based games, with 680 sales outlets offering a total of 7 games. The purchase of lottery tickets cannot be accounted for by based on maximization. The reason is that lottery tickets cost more than the expected gain, as shown by , so someone maximizing expected value should not buy lottery tickets. Yet, lottery purchases can be explained by decision models based on maximization, as the curvature of the can be adjusted to capture risk-seeking behavior. More general models based on utility functions defined on things other than the lottery outcomes can also account for lottery purchase. In addition to the lottery prizes, the ticket may enable some purchasers to experience a thrill and to indulge in a fantasy of becoming wealthy. If the entertainment value or other non-monetary value obtained by playing is high enough for a given individual, then the purchase of a lottery ticket could represent a gain in overall. In such a case, the disutility of a monetary loss could be outweighed by the combined expected utility of monetary and non-monetary gain, thus making the purchase a rational decision for that individual. Probability of winning Main article: Chances of matching different numbers of balls in a 6-from-49 lotto Number of balls matched Probability 6 1 in 13,983,816 5 1 in 1,906,884 4 1 in 211,876 3 1 in 18,424 2 1 in 1,176 1 1 in 49 0 1 in 2. In a simple , a player chooses six numbers from 1 to 49 no duplicates are allowed. If all six numbers on the player's ticket match those produced in the official drawing regardless of the order in which the numbers are drawn , then the player is a jackpot winner. For such a lottery, the chance of being a jackpot winner is 1 in 13,983,816. In bonusball lotteries where the bonus ball is compulsory, the odds are often even lower. In the multi-state lottery in the United States, 5 numbers are drawn from a group of 75 and 1 number is drawn from a group of 15, and a player must match all 6 balls to win the jackpot prize. The chance of winning the jackpot is 1 in 258,890,850. The odds of winning can also be reduced by increasing the group from which numbers are drawn. In the of Italy, players must match 6 numbers out of 90. The chance of winning the jackpot is 1 in 622,614,630. Most lotteries give lesser prizes for matching just some of the winning numbers, with a lesser prize for fewer matches. Although none of these additional prizes affect the chances of winning the jackpot, they do improve the odds of winning something and therefore add a little to the of the ticket. See also: Lotteries, like any form of gambling, are susceptible to fraud, despite the high degree of scrutiny claimed by the organizers. Some scams on the Internet are based on lotteries. The fraud starts with congratulating the recipient on their recent lottery win. These scams are generally based on the buyer's and perhaps the seller's misunderstanding of probability and random numbers. Sale of these systems or software is legal, however, since they mention that the product cannot guarantee a win, let alone a jackpot. There have also been several cases of cashiers at lottery retailers who have attempted to scam customers out of their winnings. Some locations require the patron to hand the lottery ticket to the cashier to determine how much they have won, or if they have won at all, the cashier then scans the ticket to determine one or both. The cashier then pockets the ticket and eventually claims it as their own. The BBC TV series showed a variation of the lottery scam in which a group of scammers pretended to have won a lottery, but was prevented from claiming the prize as the person who wrote the name on the back of the ticket was supposedly out of the country on that date. They were able to persuade a stranger to put up money as collateral in order to share in the prize pool. On some occasions, the actual lottery draw itself has been compromised by fraudsters. The involved weighting balls in. In the software code was added to the Hot Lotto random number generator allowing a fraudster to predict winning numbers on specific days of the year. Winnings in the U. In certain countries, mainly the U. Lottery annuities are often for a period from 20 to 30 years. This type of installment payment is often made through investment in government-backed securities. Online lotteries pay the winners through their backup. However, many winners choose lump sum, since they believe they can get a better rate of return on their investment elsewhere. In some countries, lottery winnings are not subject to personal , so there are no tax consequences to consider in choosing a payment option. In France, Canada, Australia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Finland, and the United Kingdom all prizes are immediately paid out as one lump sum, tax-free to the winner. In Liechtenstein, all winnings are tax-free and the winner may opt to receive a lump sum or an annuity with regard to the Jackpot prizes. In the US, federal courts have consistently held that lump sum payments received from third parties in exchange for the rights to lottery annuities are not capital assets for tax purpose. Rather, the lump sum is subject to ordinary income tax treatment. Austin, TX: Byron Pub. Archived from on April 2, 2013. Archived from on 2014-12-14. Retrieved 19 October 2015. Archived from on 23 June 2012. Retrieved 30 May 2012. Archived from on 25 May 2012. Retrieved 30 May 2012. The Government Lottery Office GLO. Retrieved 10 June 2015. The Government Lottery Office GLO. Retrieved 10 June 2015. Retrieved 30 May 2012. Retrieved 11 January 2016. Retrieved 13 January 2016. Retrieved 3 January 2012.